Mar 17, 2011

Rethink those cute recyling phrases.

Gorgeous recycled plastic decor.

"Reduce, reuse, recycle" is more than a motto to capture our attention.  The impact of "the three R's" can be felt far beyond sorting plastic from glass.  We MUST find ways to improve production, use, and then end-of-life disposal for everything we touch. There are ways everyone can take steps - small or large - to stop the damage we have done to our environment.  

For consumers, it is to purchase and use products that minimize a long-term negative impact on the environment; don't buy the products triple wrapped in plastic, opt for re-usable bags or paper bags to cart your groceries home, buying larger sizes of water eliminates hundreds of thousands of small bottles (not even 12% are recycled) from entering landfills, rethink the fixtures, surfaces and furniture you use in your homes. Recycling in most communities is mandatory but there are places to take recyclable goods even if your local area does not provide curbside programs.  Consider the overall impact of products from their creation over the course of their life cycle when making a purchase.  Purchase products from manufacturers who demonstrate a commitment to reduced packaging, recycle in their plants, and assist with environmental issues.

Recycling paper, plastic and aluminum for a modern lighting solution.

Another mod solution to a growing plastic problem.

For manufacturers, this must start with product design. The result, better production processes, more re-use, less waste, and other elements that DO make a tremendous difference. Among the benefits of improved production are using less energy, decreasing hazardous emissions, preventing pollution, offering products that are recyclable, and conserving natural resources. Smarter products like recycled, recyclable carpeting and fabric are in closed loop cycles - with unlimited use, reuse and recovery - will become the norm. Better 'ingredients' in products (eliminating toxins and chemicals) and recovering by-products of the manufacturing process - like water - will also reduce the cost of the products long-term.

Finding sources for recycling in your area can be challenging.  The internet, your local city offices, waste management companies and the stores where you purchase goods, can all help.  Searching for products is easier...on-line sources are plentiful and product labels are helpful. By assessing your choices, you can have a daily positive impact on your personal environment and by default, a beneficial impact all around.