Herbs in flowerpots with chalk labels that can be changed as often as needed. Using Benjamin Moore Chalk Paint in multiple colors, paint a shape - here a stencil was used - and fill the shape with COLOR. Label with chalk or a chalk marker and wrap with colorful tissue paper. You can change the herbs and the labels as needed.

Decoupage. Fabric and paper are easy ways to transform furniture. Covering door and drawer fronts with decoupage fabrics and decorative papers create tremendous changes very quickly. Don't do the entire piece; instead, cover the door insets, drawer fronts, or even just the top and sides.
Stencil on a design. It's easy to add a pattern or drawing to a plain piece with stencils. If you're artistic you can even draw your own. First sand and prime your piece. Add the color coat...two if you need to. Stencil on or hand paint with craft paints. If you like, you can add a satin urethane to protect the stencil, or let it age with daily use.
Re-Use Glass Jars and Bottles There are so many attractive things that you can make and use from empty bottles and jars. Other than for storage, here are some inspirational images for you to try!

cabinet may be an eyesore or unused. A bit of paint,
some new hardware, and a new shelf, transformed this
one into a cottage curio that is a new focal point.
Two-toned pieces work well but don't make them too trendy
unless you love to re-finish. Covering grainy wood is
best started by applying a heavy duty primer coat and
sanding before and between the color coats.
some new hardware, and a new shelf, transformed this
one into a cottage curio that is a new focal point.
Two-toned pieces work well but don't make them too trendy
unless you love to re-finish. Covering grainy wood is
best started by applying a heavy duty primer coat and
sanding before and between the color coats.
Updating a dresser is one of the simplest pieces to
re-do. This one was painted, stenciled and the top drawers
were replaced with baskets in the colors of the stencil.
Adding bun feet and painting the old hardware
completed the transformation. If you want a feminine
look from a boxy piece, do add feet, try a glass pull or knob,
and even consider a wooden applique
look from a boxy piece, do add feet, try a glass pull or knob,
and even consider a wooden applique
for large doors and drawers. To make a fussy piece
more modern, remove embellishments and consider
applying mirrors on the face.
more modern, remove embellishments and consider
applying mirrors on the face.