Feb 25, 2011

Use a designer or not?

You want to re-do aspects of your home; maybe undergo a remodel,  remodel the master bathroom, or update the living room. It would be ideal if you could do some of the work yourself to save money but you want to be sure you'll make the right decisions. This is an ideal situation to use a designer for a few hours of consultation time. It is investment in your home and can get you started in the right direction. If you already have plans but need to flesh them out...a few hours of time spent with a designer in well worth the results.  If you travel the path of a remodel and discover obstacles along the way, call a designer to help.  Maybe all you need is to finalize the decisions you've made so your new kitchen is timeless and functional and has everything you've always needed and wanted!

As a design professional,  I've heard the myth that designers are expensive or up-charge to make money. It is just that...a myth. Clients are afforded the benefit of my expertise by the hour and save money by catching construction mistakes, making good decisions the first time, and obtaining product discounts when they purchase through me.  I consider myself a lifestyle advocate for every client and work to make their home and lives better by defining, enhancing, and designing spaces that are functional, gorgeous and within their budget. 

Have a special need? Designers like me often have certifications, specialties and resources for projects that involve issues including aging in place, universal design, and historic renovation; we bring the tools that will work for you to the table at the start.   Don't know your budget? By identifying the elements that will be critical to the design or remodel, and experience with a broad scope of projects, designers can guide you and help select what you can afford and what is right for you.  With expertise in products, technology and construction, we seek innovative solutions to existing challenges, specific problems and your lifestyle requirements.

An experienced designer can help:
  1. Make the most of what you already have. 
  2. Set priorities and develop your budget.
  3. Determine and create the ideal schedule.
  4. Save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes and bad purchases.
  5. Connect to a wider range of choices. 
  6. Edit options and ensure that they are right. 
  7. Understand how the elements of design work so you can move forward on your own.
  8. Create plans for future phases of your design project, stretching your budget over time
  9. Allocate your dollars with the right project.
  10. Blend your completed and unfinished spaces into a coherent design during the phases of your project.