Sep 23, 2010

Pillow talk

Add detail with several fabrics and appliques.

       You've heard that changing pillows gives a whole new look to a room. How many should you use and what shape should they be? 
  1. DON'T use too many. Sitting on a sofa overstuffed with pillows isn't comfortable, and they often end up on the floor.
  2. DO consider changing the shape and color and add details for interest.
  3. Square pillows work for many applications. For example use 18" x 18"  for the corners of sofas and 26" x 26" for floor pillows and beds
  4.  Try neck roll pillows for lounge chairs and bolsters for beds.
  5. Add a kidney pillow to large dining chairs and at the center of a sofa. 
  6. Add detail with contrast welting, a second fabric, and appliques.
  7.  One decorative pillow has more impact than 3 plain ones.
  8. Knife-edge pillows are fine but try adding flanges and welting. 
Experiment with mixing round and square shapes together. If you can sew your own, the options for detail are endless. Have fun and enjoy swapping them throughout the year.
Try round bolsters  for color and shape.