The patterns are not the only
change. These days, wallpaper is easier to put up and take down and it is often
used more sparingly than in the past.
Think of it as akin to a piece
of artwork or a new throw pillow: an adventurous accessory that can pull a
room's elements together and give it some zing. No one is quite sure why
the wallpaper trend caught fire. It could be the Mad Men phenomenon - the sudden
rush for all things reminiscent of the 1950s and 1960s. More likely,
though, it is part of an overall increased interest in home decorating and the
effort to find something to distinguish one's home.
Many of the new patterns are
designed to pack a graphic punch. Imagine tight geometric shapes in contrasting
colors, blown-up damask prints in hot pink or orange, or stark black-and-white
trellis designs. Equally popular are textured papers, which may be lined with
grass or other natural fibers, beads or raised patterns, and may or may not be
printed with a design.The other upside is that wallpaper does not have to cover
all four walls of a room. It can be used as an accent - as backing for
bookshelves, on a single wall in the bedroom, bathroom or even on the dining
room ceiling. It's a great way to customize a space and the wallpaper
won't bust the bank.
Some products that I love:
Wallteriors Custom or ready-made, these hand crafted papers are fabulous.
Philip Jeffries For gorgeous grass cloths, subtle silks, and terrific textured wall coverings, they're the best!